Shia: The true Followers of the Sunnah- Tijiani As-samawi

Shia: The true Followers of the Sunnah- Tijiani As-samawi

Publisher: Al Buraq

An inquiry of an explorer of the truth into the delicate yet essential question of: "Who is best qualified to the claim of being a follower of Islam's Prophet in spirit and in practice?" The book goes on chapter by chapter each placed in perfect order keeping the reader's interest while the book keeps on taking its discourse. The main theme of the book and its chapters reveal what and how the Ahl al-Sunnah think and act upon the different subjects of beliefs, Qur'an, Sunnah and the Ahlal Bayt (a) leaving the reader to answer for himself whether it is the Ahl al-Sunnah who are the real followers of the Sunnah or the Shi'a?

Book Title Shia: The true Followers of the Sunnah- Tijiani As-samawi
Publisher Al Buraq
Type Books
Date Published Apr 29, 2021

An inquiry of an explorer of the truth into the delicate yet essential question of: "Who is best qualified to the claim of being a follower of Islam's Prophet in spirit and in practice?" The book goes on chapter by chapter each placed in perfect order keeping the reader's interest while the book keeps on taking its discourse. The main theme of the book and its chapters reveal what and how the Ahl al-Sunnah think and act upon the different subjects of beliefs, Qur'an, Sunnah and the Ahlal Bayt (a) leaving the reader to answer for himself whether it is the Ahl al-Sunnah who are the real followers of the Sunnah or the Shi'a?

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