
The finest collections of dua narrated from our Aimmah (as). These include exegesis of dua, Ziyara and other unique books.
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A New Day Dawns A Commentary on Duʿaʾ al-Sabah
Duʿāʾ al-Ṣabāḥ is one of the beautiful supplications that have reached us from the nascent period of Islam. It is...
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A Salute to the Master of Martyrs- A Commentary on Ziyarat Ashura
A Salute to the Master of Martyrs: A Commentary on Ziyarat ‘Ashura Commentary & translation by Islamic Texts Institute Under...
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Al-Nudbah: A Devotional Elegy for the Prophet Muhammad and his Family (commentary)
Al-Nudbah represents thousands of hours of work and the efforts of multiple individuals. It is not merely a translation of...
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An Illustrated Guide to Ziyarah and Tourism in Iran
The purpose of ziyārah (pilgrimage) is to visit and form a connection with the holy personalities and places you are...
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An Illustrated Ziyarah Guide To IRAQ
Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (A): If people knew the reward for performing the ziyarah of Imam Husayn (A), their souls would leave...
Begin with Praise: Inspirations from Du'a al-Iftitah- Sayyid Muneer Khabbaz
"O' God, I begin exaltation with Your praise!" Those words appear at the beginning of Du'a al-Iftitah - a supplication...
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By the Dawn - Ziyarah Guidance and Supplications
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Embark on a spiritual journey through the transformative power of Ziyārah. This enlightening book explores the deep-rooted tradition of visiting...
Journey to Eternity: Surahs and Supplications for the Final Destination
Journey to Eternity, is a comprehensive guide offering solace and spiritual connection in the face of mortality. It has been...
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Love for the Family
Love for the Family is an essential manual of devotional acts for those seeking to deepen their spiritual connection to...
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Mafatih Al Jinaan - English Arabic Translation only- Ali Quli Qarai VOL 1 and 2 set
This edition does not contain the transliteration of the Arabic texts. The is a book of prayers and devotional observances....
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Mafatih Al Jinaan - English Arabic Translation/transliteration- Ali Quli Qarai VOL 1 and 2 set
The is a book of prayers and devotional observances. Among the religious traditions of humanity the Imami Shi'ah tradition within...
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Mafatih al-Jinan: A Treasury of Islamic Piety: SET Volume 1 and 2 (2.25"x8" Compact Paperback)
This edition does not contain the transliteration of the Arabic texts. The is a book of prayers and devotional observances....
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Manual of Ramadhan Devotions
The blessed month of Ramadhan is an opportunity for the believer to ascend to great heights. The doors of God’s...
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Must have in Shia household Bundle
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Discover the essential Shia household bundle, curated with must-have books for every home. Increase knowledge and deepen religious understanding with...
My Bedside Book Duas, Dhikrs and Etiquettes for Sleeping
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Progeny Islamic Publications Hardcover 48 pages.   This small booklet is a compilation of valuable information extracted from instructions and...
My Dua Book
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A short illustrated dua book from the teachings of Ahlul Bayt (as) Over 20 color pagesHand drawn characterDaily routine duas...
My Ramadan Guidebook
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Explore a beautiful illustrated book that guides you through the Holy Month of Ramadan, inspired by the teachings of Ahlul...
Observance of the Month of Ramadan - From Mafatih Al Jinan - Ayt Abbas Qummi- Translation (Ali Quli Qarai) and transliteration
The human being, in the depth of his nature, is drawn toward the Absolute, toward the Divine. The Observances of...
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Prayers of the Final Prophet- Ayt. Tabatabai
$25.00 $22.00
The most comprehensive book of prayers and supplications which were read on a frequent basis by Prophet Muhammad in all...
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Ramadhan Reflection
Ramadhan Reflections presents the short, daily supplications (duas) to be read each day in the Month of Ramadhan as taught...
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Spiritual Journeys Through The Daily Supplications Of The Holy Month of Ramadan
Driven by a spark, our soul craves to soar back to its divine source. This spiritual journey is a constant,...
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Tafsir of Dua Kumayl- By Sheikh Mansour Leghaei Session 1- What And Why Dua?
The nuggets of pure spiritual nectar in form of the words of Dua Al Kumayl are an elixir for the...
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The Adornment of the Righteous: A Commentary on Dua Makarim Al-Akhlaq
Imam Ali ibn Al-Husayn (d. 95 AH) left behind a remarkable legacy, notably in the form of a collection of...
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The Psalms of Islam (Sahifa-e-Sajjadia)- Guilded Edition- Trn- W. Chittick
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This beautifully produced book brings alive for the non-Arabic speaker the power and the subtlety of the supplications and prayers...
Weapon of the Believer
Weapon of the Believer provides a comprehensive introduction to the philosophy and etiquette of supplicating to God. All the supplications...
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Ziyarat Ashura and its Remarkable Effects
It is unfortunate that one might dwell on the Ziyārah of Imām al-Ḥusayn(a) at a surface-level, without delving deeper into...
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