
A brilliant collection of children's books for all ages from 1-15yrs old. From some of the best illustrators and curated for accuracy and value.
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The Name Chronicles
This incredible comic-style book is targetted specifically for young adults with its expressive illustrations and authentic narrations. The book has...
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Be Like the Stars and Rise: Salah is your Key - Letters from a Mother
‘Be Like a Star and Rise’ is a book for youth and parents searching for the right words to help...
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Heavenly Children – Paperback (Suggested Ages 7+)- Set of 14
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We’ve all heard about Imam Ali’s (A) bravery and wisdom as an adult, but have you ever wondered what he...
Quranic Infographics
This book is a collection of illustrations inspired from the verses of the Holy Quran. The artist has employed distinctly...
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Adam (as) Falls to Earth- Sayyid Abbass Noureddine (Part 1 of 6)
Adam was the first human to be created by God the Almighty, but the creation and later being chosen as...
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Noah (as) builds a lifesaving ship- Sh. Abbass Noureddine- Part 2 of 6
Noah (as) tried for many years to guide his people and remind them of the promise of God, that of...
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Reaching Imam Mahdi From the Love of Imam Hussain
 Going through Imam Hussain is the fastest and safest way to reach the Imam of our time, Imam Mahdi. In...
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Hadith Infographics
Hadith infographics contain thought-provoking illustrations with authentic narrations of Prophet Mohammed PBUH, readers will be engrossed by every page. Consistent...
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Reaching Imam Mahdi From The Holy Quran- Board Book
This book is about reaching Imam Mahdi From the Holy Quran. It contains 14 verse (in English & Arabic) with...
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Quest to reach Husain (as)
When a little bird decides to fly to Aba Abdillah(as), she plants the seed of love in a young boy...
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Heavenly Children – HARDCOVER (Suggested Ages 7+)- Set of 14
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Perfect for Schools, libraries etc. Beautifully presented! We’ve all heard about Imam Ali’s (A) bravery and wisdom as an adult,...
Jesus (as)- The one Awaiting in Heaven- Sh. Abbass Noureddine- Part 5 of 6
Jesus (as) came to the people of Moses (as). Some leaders had become corrupt, and he came to remind them...
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Munahhemana- The Chosen one- Board Game
The tribal prejudices of the era of ignorance, the worship of idols, and the enmities of the Quraysh tribe have...
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