Jesus Through the Qur'an and Shi'ite Narrations

Jesus Through the Qur'an and Shi'ite Narrations

Jesus Through the Qur’an and Shi’ite Narrations draws from various Islamic texts to provide a comprehensive selection of excerpts pertaining to the life and moral teachings of Jesus. Approaching Christ from an Islamic perspective, the book offers readers a rare opportunity to understand the significance of Jesus in Islam — the Shi’ite sect in particular — and to gain a better understanding of the faith, not only as it contrasts with Christianity but also as it compares. The text is presented in English and Arabic on facing pages.
Book Title Jesus Through the Qur'an and Shi'ite Narrations
Publisher Tarikhe Tarsile Quran
Type Print Books
Date Published Oct 22, 2021
Jesus Through the Qur’an and Shi’ite Narrations draws from various Islamic texts to provide a comprehensive selection of excerpts pertaining to the life and moral teachings of Jesus. Approaching Christ from an Islamic perspective, the book offers readers a rare opportunity to understand the significance of Jesus in Islam — the Shi’ite sect in particular — and to gain a better understanding of the faith, not only as it contrasts with Christianity but also as it compares. The text is presented in English and Arabic on facing pages.

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