Tears from Heaven's Flowers

Tears from Heaven's Flowers


"Tears from Heaven's Flowers" is a collection of soul feeding poetry written by Muslim-Australian Abrahim Al-Zubeidi. This anthology explores topics deliberating on The Divine, the holy Prophet and his purified Household, as well as the personal experiences and reflections of a young servant on his search for the Truth.

Book Title Tears from Heaven's Flowers
Publisher Islamic Publishing House
Type Books
Date Published Nov 06, 2018

"Tears from Heaven's Flowers" is a collection of soul feeding poetry written by Muslim-Australian Abrahim Al-Zubeidi. This anthology explores topics deliberating on The Divine, the holy Prophet and his purified Household, as well as the personal experiences and reflections of a young servant on his search for the Truth.

Stay in touch to see book launch events and book signings by liking and following the Facebook page and following them on Instagram.


"A significant contribution to the centuries-old canon of Shi’i poetry in a style that is distinctly modern and fresh."

- Shaykh Rizwan Arastu
(American based Shia scholar and Author of many works including God's Emissaries)

"A great anthology of English poetry about various topics, centered around the family of Prophet Muhammad, prayers of Allah be upon him and his family."

- Shaykh Saleem Bhimji
(Canadian based Shia scholar and director of Islamic Publishing House)

"Poetry is a tool that can be used to transcend the confines of space and time and reach a plane where the words reflect a higher reality that only souls understand. Tears from Heaven's flowers is a book of poetry that enlightens the reader on the quest for truth by exploring topics such as the Divine and His chosen messenger."

- Shaykh Idress Ul Hassan
(Australian based Shia scholar)

"When I first began to read “Tears from Heaven’s Flowers” by Abrahim Al-Zubeidi, I honestly wasn’t sure what to expect. What I found was something beautiful and thought-provoking. The poetry is not only cleverly crafted, but it is intentionally meaningful. Particularly unique and noteworthy of this collection is the incorporation of hadith and Qur’anic symbolism. The poetry brings to life many of the more intimate parts of our tradition; allusions to the glorious words of Allah are made throughout. For this reason alone, I would highly recommend “Tears from Heaven’s Flowers” to all. Those familiar with the Islamic tradition will find a collection that feels like an old friend conversing with their heart. Others will find beautiful poetry that will move them and hopefully be a spark of light in their journey to Light."

- Fatemah Meghji
(Canadian based Shia scholar)


"Abrahim Al-Zubeidi’s words force you to travel back and forth through time and space; to the blessed, divine days of our Holy Prophet and the tragic times that followed his family - but also deep within the darkest caves of our hearts where questions are asked and answers are sought.."

- Sana Uqba
(Journalist and author of War & Love)

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews

The collection contains poetry or tragedy and spirituality.
Easy to understand and heartfelt.

Dr Syed K. H. Shah
Emotional attachment

Reading this book - you feel the truth becoming real and your emotions awakened

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