A Bouquet of Muslim Blossoms: Fictional Stories for Refreshment & Resistance

A Bouquet of Muslim Blossoms: Fictional Stories for Refreshment & Resistance


The Original Muslim Fiction Collection

A Bouquet of Muslim Blossoms: Fictional Stories for Refreshment & Resistance is an anthology of 22 Muslim writers. They have put forth stories of what they are living and, in their living, their humanness reveals clearly that it is the determining factor uniting us in our fitrah journeys back to where we came from. Our fiction, our imagining, is a must for bonds to form and barriers to demolish. When our imagination is controlled by our intellect, justice is the result. Take a breath of the blossoms within and refresh your life with the universal Truths and shield it from the blows, inshallah.

Book Title A Bouquet of Muslim Blossoms: Fictional Stories for Refreshment & Resistance
Publisher Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing
Type Book
Date Published Sep 25, 2021

The Original Muslim Fiction Collection

A Bouquet of Muslim Blossoms: Fictional Stories for Refreshment & Resistance is an anthology of 22 Muslim writers. They have put forth stories of what they are living and, in their living, their humanness reveals clearly that it is the determining factor uniting us in our fitrah journeys back to where we came from. Our fiction, our imagining, is a must for bonds to form and barriers to demolish. When our imagination is controlled by our intellect, justice is the result. Take a breath of the blossoms within and refresh your life with the universal Truths and shield it from the blows, inshallah.


Emotion [is] “what makes you forget you’ve ‘fallen into the world of fiction.’” (Richardson, 2017) Since fiction impacts us through our emotions, the experience can be striking and powerful. Sometimes the story can affect our whole identity. (Oatley, 2002) Indeed as Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini (1980) says, “It is possible that the reading of books might have a deeper impact on the minds of the readers than the other sources of acquiring knowledge…Sometimes, reading brings about a revolutionary change in the outlook of a person.”

…The stories within these pages “move the human heart.” (Jericha, 2012) And know for sure that “the heart relies upon writing,” as Imam Jafar al-Sadiq, peace be upon him, is reported to have said. (Rizvi, 2009, p. 19) We have drawn the writers’ “beautifully-crafted stories” together and emphasize to you that these Muslim stories are varied in voice and topic but hold true to Islam, providing refreshment and resistance. (Jericha) This bouquet of Muslim blossoms, gathered between these two covers, is unique for the mere fact that they could never have been picked, arranged and presented to you by anyone but Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing. Al-Hamdulillah!


  • Paperback: 410 pages
  • Publisher: Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing (July 2021)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 978-1-7750112-4-8
  • Product Dimensions: 8.5” X 5.5”
  • Shipping Weight: 1.1 lb

Reading Preview

A tiny sampling…

Flash Fiction


by Valerie Behiery


As I sat drinking my expresso under the stars and enjoying the night air and calm, I saw her climbing down from the skies to haunt me as she did regularly. Oddly enough, tonight I felt a sea of tranquility rather than the spikes of fear. Maybe I am just too tired to worry! I told myself.


by Safiyyah Abdullah

United States

Everyone has a Cinderella story, so I thought I would share mine. There I was, being granted the opportunity of a lifetime by my fairy Godmother and having way too much fun to notice the time. I looked up at the clock expecting to hear the chimes of midnight ring forth from the bell tower only to hear it drowned out by the sound of bull horns ordering us to evacuate the premises before we are arrested for trespassing.

Short Stories
by Umm Marwan Ibrahim
India/United Arab Emirates

The words typed in block stood out for Adam. Sitting at his work desk in his studio apartment, he stared at the word – no, it wasn’t the word anymore; it was the shape of it. He’s learnt to identify that word from a mile away just by its shape. Very few words looked like it, he felt. Very few words made him feel like a loser.

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