The Mahdi and Islamic Messianism

The Mahdi and Islamic Messianism


About the Book

The belief in an awaited saviour who will bring peace and justice to the whole world is universal. However, the characteristics, identity, and nature of such a person is often disputed. The Mahdi and Islamic Messianism is comprised of three  essays which explore these issues systematically, and conclude that the awaited universal saviour or ‘The Mahdi’ is none other than the 12th Imam of the Shia, the son of Imam Hasan al-Askari (AS), and that Islamic Messianism in its most perfect form is that which has been taught to us by the Holy Prophet and his Purified and Infallible Household.

Book Title The Mahdi and Islamic Messianism
Publisher Lantern Publications
Type Books
Date Published Dec 23, 2020

About the Book

The belief in an awaited saviour who will bring peace and justice to the whole world is universal. However, the characteristics, identity, and nature of such a person is often disputed. The Mahdi and Islamic Messianism is comprised of three  essays which explore these issues systematically, and conclude that the awaited universal saviour or ‘The Mahdi’ is none other than the 12th Imam of the Shia, the son of Imam Hasan al-Askari (AS), and that Islamic Messianism in its most perfect form is that which has been taught to us by the Holy Prophet and his Purified and Infallible Household.

The first essay outlines the theological and rational foundations for belief in the Mahdi and Mahdism as expounded upon by Ayatollah Mutahhari. The second essay focuses on a critical and in-depth analysis of the scriptural proofs of the identity and nature of the Mahdi. The final essay collates all the primary hadith sources from Sunni scholarship that discuss the details of the rank, station, attributes and character of the Imām al-Mahdī.

The Mahdi and Islamic Messianism lays the foundations of an unshakable belief in the Imam of our era, and is recommended for anyone who wishes to attain to certain knowledge of their Imam.

About the Authors:

Behrooz Mohammadi Monfared is an Assistant Professor of Islamic Studies at Tehran University. He is the author of numerous books and peer-reviewed articles on Islamic teachings generally and Islamic ethics in particular. His recent books include Justified Moral Belief (2019), and Religious and Secular Ethics (with Bijan Mansouri, 2017). The following is a partial list of his articles:

  1. "Theory of Reign, Shahid Sadrs Answer to Question of Determinism." International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding v6/ issue2, no. 6 (2019)
  2. "Logical, Philosophical and Theological Applications of Shahid Sadr s Theory of Knowledge." International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding Volume6/ issue3, no. 6 (2019)
  3. "Islamic Anthropology" University of Islamic Studies, 2016.
  4. "The Idea of ​​Mahdism and the Views of Dr. Nasr." The Promised East, First Issue (2007): 59-72.
  5. "What is utopia?" The Promised East, 5 (1387): 35-46.
  6. "The meaning of life, nihilism and the idea of ​​" The Promised East, No. 7 (2008): 67-80.
  7. "Moral realism with emphasis on Molla Sadra's thought." Ethics Research Journal / Spring 92, 19 (2012): 99-119.
  8. "A Critique of the Criteria for Human Dignity in Thomas Moore's Utopia" The Promised East, 21 (1391): 43-71.
  9. "Reliability of Moral Intuition." Mind Quarterly No. 51, No. 51 (2012): 31-54.
  10. Moral intuition: Its Meaning and Justification." Immortal Wisdom / first issue, 23 (2013): 123-149.
  11. "The epistemology of reductionist moral naturalism." Epistemological Studies (Islamic University) / No. 1, 58 (2014): 95-117.
  12. "Analysis and Critique of the Moral Skepticism of the Moderate Pyrrho. Ethical Research (Islamic Education Association) Fifth Year, Fourth Issue / Serial Issue 20 (2015): 103-123.
  13. "The concept of moral conscience and the extent of its influence on public order." Ethics Research Journal, 31 (2016): 87-106.
  14. "A Critique of Structural Contextualism Justifying Moral Belief." Revelation Ethics / second issue, 10 (2016): 129-155.
  15. "Fundamentalism in naturalistic moral reductionism." Mind Quarterly 97, 74 (1397): 137-156.
  16. "The invalidity of the Infinite Regress argument based on basic Moral Beliefs." Metaphysics; Spring and Winter 98, No. 27; Spring and Winter 98 (1398): 60-45.
  17. "An Answer to Kim's Argument on the Causal Role of Moral Attributes." Existence and Cognition 6, 2 (1398).
  18. "Examining and Criticizing Simon Blackburn's Argument through Supervenience in Denying Moral Attributes." Philosophical Reflections of the Ninth Year, 23 (1398).

 Sayyed Abdol-Rahīm al-Mūsawī al-Hossayni (1953 - 2012) pursued his seminary education with scholars such as Mohammad Mehdi Ar-Razi. Among his activities are the establishment of the Iraqi Scientific Complex, teaching at Dhī Qar University, and the establishment of the Center for Islamic Studies. In addition to his teaching activities, he has written many articles and 32 books, including the following: Our Future, Imam al-Mahdi, a contemporary Leader, Infallibility of the Prophet and the Imams, Celebrating the Birth of the Prophet, The Immunity of the Quran to Distortion and Falsification, The Permissibility of the Practice of Weeping for the Dead,  The Theory of the Righteousness of the Prophet’s Companions, The Preeminence of Imam Ali, The Mushaf of Imam Ali, The Permissibility of the Practice of Pilgrimage to Shrines, and The Supernatural Knowledge and Power of the Imams.

 Abdol-Karīm Behbahānī is a seminarian and scholar in residence at the Ahl al-Bayt World Assembly Research Bureau. He is the author of 36 books, including the following titles: The Supernatural Knowledge and Power of the Imams, Temporary Marriage, Raj ‘at, Intercession and Intercessory Recourse, Mahdism, Mahdism from the Vantage of the Ahl al-Bayt, Precautionary Dissimulation, and The Tarāwīh Prayer.

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