Voices in Solidarity with the people of Gaza
Book Title | Voices in Solidarity with the people of Gaza |
Publisher | Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing |
Type | Book |
ISBN | |
Date Published | Jun 14, 2024 |
The Original Muslim Solidarity Anthology
"Read! In the Name of your Lord. The One Who created -
created the human being from a clinging clot.
Read! And your Lord is the Most Generous.
The One Who taught by the pen -
taught the human being what he did not know." (96: 1-5)
are the first words revealed to the last Prophet (SAWS).
Reading is paramount to knowing Allah and worshipping Him.
Writing is an attempt to make sense of the realities and possibilities
as they are revealed throughout our lives.
Voices in Solidarity with the People of Gaza is an anthology of 39 Muslim writers. It was born out of a deep desire to express our alignment with the struggle of Palestinians and by extension with all oppressed people of the world. This anthology contains the voices of those who wish to declare, loudly and clearly, the side of history we stand on. The patient suffering of the people of Gaza has united us in their cause. The world is reckoning with the reality that oppression is undeniable, and Muslims everywhere are ready to resist injustice anywhere. May this book bring solace to those in pain and encourage us not to rest until justice prevails. Half of profits will be donated, inshallah.
Reading Preview
A tiny sampling...
The Vigil
by Samar Najia
At first one name and then another with just the first name different
First name, father’s name, grandfather’s name, family name
Aya Ahmed Nawaf Al Najjar
The names are accented with familiar vowels and inflections
My mother tongue unites me
My mother’s land connects me
To strangers
Each name sounds like family
ElHelou, ElBadr, Alhissy, ElShaer, ElKhader
Names on my email lists, neighbors, third and fourth cousins
The names of the Prophets honor each generation
Ibrahim, Ismail, Yusuf, Mohammed
From one line to the next, one page after page
Each line, a name. Each line, a life
The reader states the gender, then the age
Female, less than one year
3 years
6 years
11 years old
An elder fills me with hope
Marzouqa, 92 years old
Survivor of 9 decades of discord
I ask mercy for her soul
Not too many old people in Gaza
A city of children with gray dreams and gritty eyes
looking for shells in the sand.
by S.A.
by Zaynab Hussein
As the day went on, Yocheved couldn’t stop thinking about Adama’s story. Her very existence was thanks to a war that took place 400 years ago. She should’ve been happy, but, Aren’t there always two sides to a story, she thought.
The Date
by Barâa Arar
by Kristen Kareem
Billions of souls attached to the dunya contain solidified hearts like chunks of rock. And so I revolt against this crusty and calcified inaction. Revolt with prayers, with action. Increase iman and be a people of answered duaas.
Bodies were thrown aside
Time is a currency. I had never experienced the hadith of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), as to living here as a traveler (Bukhari: 6416) and this world being a prison for a believer (Muslim: 2956), but I’ve begun to feel that now. Alas, I had to see so much to feel that, but that is the reality. I learned from my Palestinian brothers and sisters, that they are the people of “Alhamdullilah” (Praise be to Allah), they are the people of living faith, they are the people of “in sha Allah” (if Allah wills). While we just use these phrases everyday as a habit, somewhere along the time, we have lost its essence. Now that I look around me, I realize how much I have amassed and, unintentionally, passed this love of the world to my children. I have failed to lead by example and fell for “Al haakum-muthakaathir, hatta zurtumul maqaabir” (Competition for more [gains] diverts you [from Allah], until you end up in [your] graves) (Qur’an, 102:1-2).
until we see a Fatḥi Ghaza.
This time is critical, crucial and catastrophic. The least we can do is share the voices and concerns of Palestinians and other oppressed peoples. The most we can do is join the cause and the mustazafeen and say out loud, “We are all Palestinians!” Otherwise, what’s the point of living? Didn’t the Prophets, all of them, stand up for the oppressed? Wasn’t their whole focus on loving Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala and speaking truth and justice and peace and love? Isn't there a Judgement Day and a Hereafter?...
We pray we have presented the contributors’ words and artwork to the world on behalf of humanity, in Allah’s Subhanahu wa ta'ala Way, as a tiny voice of various peoples who want a way to participate and help but are unable due to the system that oppresses and keeps people apart and frantic and scattered and disunited and in disarray. We are NOT experts of other people’s lives, of the oppression they live under and perish in, but we are human and that and our belief in our Creator are what calls us forward because humanity is suffering and being butchered and humiliated and exterminated. Oppression is oppression. We don’t need the details to know if someone is being oppressed. We know because we know. We can feel, see and hear. Our hearts tell our minds. What happened to Indigenous Peoples, happened to Black Peoples, happened to Muslim Peoples, etc., etc., etc.
If we do not speak up and present the small tributes and sorrows and hopes, then we will likely find ourselves in ruin here and in the Hereafter. Otherwise, what will we tell our children and grandchildren when they learn about it and ask us what we did then in 2023/2024...? And what will we tell Allah Subhanahu wa ta’ala?
- L.H.
Paperback: 310 pages
Publisher: Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-7750112-7-9
Product Dimensions: 8.5” X 5.5”
Shipping Weight: 14.5 oz
Alhamdulillah, some great news from Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing. The solidarity anthology is being printed, and its title is “Voices in Solidarity with the People of .” Half of all profits will be donated. I’m so grateful that my poem, “No Two Sides,” along with other works from amazing artists, will be featured. If you’d like to purchase, please sign up for their mailing list. – & The Solidarity Anthology is printed, alhamdulillah! inshaʾAllah, half of all proceeds will go to help the people of Gaza. – & MashaʾAllah, it’s beautiful. – Hannah Alkadi, April 7 & 14 & 23, 2024, Texas, USA
I'm so honored to have been accepted to contribute to this anthology. May Allah ta'allah insha'allah make it a success, and may the people of Palestine be free soon! Aameen. – Atiyya Dawood Karbelkar, April 8, 2024, Guateng, South Africa
Wonderful. Happy Reading ! – Valerie Behiery, April 16, 2024, Arabian Peninsula,
A thousand thanks. – Ilyas Islam, April 18, 2024, Indiana, USA
I would like to thank you tremendously for the initiative and the hard work you have put to publish the solidarity anthology. I received my copy and your kind card. Jazakoum Allah Khair for inviting me to contribute and for everything you have done to publish this book. May Allah accept your deeds and help our brothers and sisters in Palestine and around the world. – Monia Mazigh, April 19, 2024, Ontario, Canada
The book is amazing. Thank you for your hard work and giving the opportunity to me and many other youths to be able to support and participate in this amazing project. – Fateme Bakhtiari, April 20, 2024, Ontario, Canada
I just received my book and I’m super impressed, proud, and of course grateful to be given this opportunity. – Sarah El-Naggar, April 22, 2024, Nova Scotia, Canada
It’s finally here I’m so grateful to everyone who’s been so supportive of me having this incredible opportunity to speak up about Palestine This book features my work along with some other amazing artists’ writings and creative pieces If you want to get this book, the link is in my bio. الحمدلله #freepalestine – Aya Itani, April 22, 2024, Colorado, USA
One of my paintings has been published in Voices in Solidarity with the People of Gaza, an anthology of 39 Muslim writers. The publisher is donating 50% of the profits from the book to Gaza. - Katie Miranda, April 22, 2024, Oregon, USA
I am almost done with the book, I wish I could say I enjoyed it just like I usually do, but I can’t, I didn’t enjoy it, I cried, at times I sobbed like a baby, my heart sank while reading some of those accounts. I felt infuriated looking at the dates of the pieces incorporated in the book, some of them were so old yet relative, and our brothers and sisters have been going through it for so long. The book did what it was supposed to do. All of us are on the same page and share the same kind of emotions. Had it not been for the belief on Allah, wallahi, we would have lost our minds just like we did, a piece of our hearts. & It’s hard to choose one, all were beautiful but the pieces that really touched my heart and stirred up my emotions were: Death & despair, When the bomb dropped, Soliloquy of the dead: The Bakr boys, Human, Right?, Ameen, A language’s lament for liberation and the chronicle too.. I have finished the book alhamdullilah & and the paintings were all beautiful too masha Allah and touching.. – Marvi Bhatti, April 22, 2024, Nova Scotia, Canada
Recently one of my articles was published by a Canadian publishing company, in a anthology book. Alhamdulillah! Which is undoubtedly happy and blithe news for me because this is one of the two places I have personally gotten paid for my writing. Another good news is that the entire sale of this book will be donated to the oppressed people of Palestine. Therefore, it is requested to collect a copy and stand by the people of Palestine. – Mizan Rehman, April 24, 2024, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Laila Hasib is the author of several young adult novels. She launched her own unique publishing company, Inked Resistance Islamic Publishing. She has generously offered young adults and new adults the opportunity to have their voices heard through her company. Through it she hopes to encourage Muslim young and new adults, strengthen their faith, hope and identity and provide worthwhile, enlightening and enjoyable fiction. An American Muslim convert, retired teacher, writer, mother of five and grandmother, Laila Hasib is married and lives in Ontario, Canada.
Hanaa Walzer is a Swiss-Mi'kmaq convert who writes, edits, translates, and has taught for decades, while bringing up her four sons on four different continents. Hanaa has a background in literature and has written academic, fictional and non-fictional pieces for online and print journals, magazines, and anthologies. She also edited academic and non-academic works for publication.
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