Secrets of Divine Love: A Spiritual Journey into the Heart of Islam

Secrets of Divine Love: A Spiritual Journey into the Heart of Islam


Does a fast-paced modern lifestyle take a toll on your relationship with Allah? Discover how to build a more intimate bond with Him.

Book Title Secrets of Divine Love: A Spiritual Journey into the Heart of Islam
Publisher Naulit Publishing House
Type Books
Date Published Jul 09, 2021

Does a fast-paced modern lifestyle take a toll on your relationship with Allah? Discover how to build a more intimate bond with Him.

Do your imperfections leave you feeling unworthy of love from a perfect creator? Has your holy journey left you with more questions than answers? Are you struggling to relate sacred text to your tech-dominated life? Internationally acclaimed, award winning author A. Helwa has inspired over half a million readers with her passionate and poetic approach to holiness. Now she’s here to show you how to unlock your spiritual potential and unveil your true purpose.

Secrets of Divine Love: A Spiritual Journey into the Heart of Islam is an inspiring guide that will lead you towards the hidden meaning of the Qur'an through passion and joy. Written with care and precision, Helwa’s metaphoric insights invite you on her earnest search for truth and understanding. By accessing the inner workings of Islamic tradition, your struggles in faith will be met with a deeper connection to Allah rooted in compassion.

In Secrets of Divine Love, you’ll discover:

  • Allah’s unconditional regard for you so that you are forever encompassed in His care
  • Hundreds of spiritual findings within the Qur’an to strengthen your faith
  • The best ways to repent, so your sins can be transformed into good deeds
  • The unseen symbols behind the forms of prayer to help enhance your worship
  • How distractions during your daily devotions can surprisingly bring you closer to God, and much, much more!
Secrets of Divine Love guides readers, no matter their religious background, through the teachings of Muhammad, Rumi, and other luminaries. If you like theology backed by modern science and psychology, instructions for contemporary Muslims, and motivational lessons from the Qur’an, then you’ll adore A. Helwa’s insightful book.

Buy Secrets of Divine Love to begin your journey back to your Creator today!

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