The Lantern of the Path - Imam Ja`far Al-Sadiq

The Lantern of the Path - Imam Ja`far Al-Sadiq

Publisher: Zahra Publications


Book Title The Lantern of the Path - Imam Ja`far Al-Sadiq
Publisher Zahra Publications
Type Books
Date Published Mar 24, 2021


Shaykh Fadhlalla Haeri (Translator)

The Lantern of The Path comprises ninety-nine chapters. Each one is a threshold to the next, guiding the reader through the broad spectrum of ageless wisdom, like a lantern along the path of reality. The author illuminates the inner meanings of outer practices which range from practical everyday acts of behavior, to the practices of worship, morals and ethics, and the pillars of religion.

Practical and profound, this concise volume is a useful guide for those who wish to cultivate their inner being. accompanying commentary, students and adepts alike can now gain a profounder understanding of these timeless teachings from the wellspring of the heart of Islam.

Though there can be no doubt as to the truth and authenticity of the teachings contained in this book, it should be mentioned that there is some controversy whether the book was penned by the Imam (‘a) himself. Both Allamah al-Majlisi and Allamah Hurr al-Amili felt that the book’s division into ninety-nine chapters and its emphasis on inner meaning is a style more suited to Gnostic or Sufi scholars. Other scholars, however affirm that this was the work of the Imam (‘a) himself, among them al-Sayyid Ali Ibn at-Tawus, Shaykh al-Kaf’ami, and ash-Shahid Ath-Thani. In absence of unanimity, we can only say that “The Lantern of the Path” is generally attributed to Imam Ja’far as-Sadiq (‘a).

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The Lantern of the Path - Imam Ja`far Al-Sadiq

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